Group Reads from SkyLight Paths
Welcome readers! Our reading group picks have been chosen for their rich content and suitability for group dialogue. The book description and author biography are available to assist you in deciding whether our pick is suitable for your group. If it’s a fit, discussion questions and Q&A with the author will help get you started. If you would like to be in touch with the author to schedule an event or to participate via phone with your reading group, let us know. We welcome your comments and feedback!
Edited by Mychal Copeland, MTS, and D’vorah Rose, BCC
Foreword by Bishop Gene Robinson
Afterword by Ani Zonneveld, founder and president, Muslims for Progressive Values
Rev. Jane E. Vennard
Jay Marshall, PhD
Foreword by Philip Gulley
Edited by Rev. Martha Spong
Foreword by Rev. Carol Howard Merritt
Matt Biers-Ariel
John Backman
Foreword by Kay Lindahl
Edited by Kathe Schaaf, Kay Lindahl, Kathleen S. Hurty, PhD, and Reverend Guo Cheen
Anne Kertz Kernion
Foreword by Rev. Carol Howard Merritt