Explores what life may have been like for Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and celebrate the many ways in which Mary serves as a model of holiness for all women and men; as the archetype of motherhood; and as a source of tenderness, comfort, protection and peace.
Annotation by Mary Ford-Grabowsky
Foreword by Andrew Harvey
5½ x 8½, 272 pp | 978-1-59473-001-6
The world’s great writings about Mary—her faith, strength and love—can become a companion for your own spiritual journey
Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been revered for centuries by people from all over the world. She is a paragon of humility, righteousness and dedication, and her life as mother and prophet can serve as an example to us all.
In over two hundred selections, Spiritual Writings on Mary examines the essential aspects of Mary’s role in history and in life today. Selections from influential writers, thinkers and theologians—both ancient and modern, from a wide range of Western and Eastern backgrounds—explore what life may have been like for Mary, Joseph and Jesus, and celebrate the many ways in which Mary serves as a model of holiness for all women and men; as the archetype of motherhood; and as a source of tenderness, comfort, protection and peace.
Dante Alighieri Hildegard of Bingen Jalal-ud-Din Rumi Bernard of Clairvaux Birgitta of Sweden Bonaventure Sue Monk Kidd Gerard Manley Hopkins
Now you can experience the power and grace of Mary even if you have no previous knowledge of Mariology. This SkyLight Illuminations edition presents the most stirring and evocative writings on Mary, conveying the ineffable love, awe, reverence and gratitude in the hearts of people all over the world for the holy mother of Jesus.
“Like a master jeweler restoring lost treasures, Mary Ford-Grabowsky lights up the hidden beauty and meaning of these wondrous texts … leading us with surety and wisdom into the very heart of Mystery. Once again, she astounds us with the depth of her learning and the sweet profundity of her insights.”
—Dorothy Walters, PhD, author of Marrow of Flame: Poems of the Spiritual Journey
“Remarkable…. An essential guide for any reader or spiritual seeker, regardless of religious background or tradition, with an abiding interest in the saint above all others.”
—Jon M. Sweeney, author of The Lure of Saints: A Protestant Experience of Catholic Tradition
“In a world all too enamored with what is macho and muscular, this wonderful book celebrates the eternal mystery of the Divine Feminine. This is indeed a book for our time.”
—Ron Miller, chair of the religion department at Lake Forest College and coauthor of Healing the Jewish-Christian Rift: Growing Beyond Our Wounded History
“A beautiful combination of spiritual inspiration and inspired scholarship.... Sheds new light on the much-explored phenomenon of Mary, mother of Jesus.”
—Stephanie Marohn, author of Crossroads and Awakenings: Turning Points in Lives of Spirit
—Catholic Digest
“Beautifully expresses the essence of the human relationship with Mary.... Highly recommended.”
—Catholic Library World
“Many thought-provoking and beautiful selections.... An interesting anthology with broad inclusiveness.”
—Library Journal
“A powerful way to meet the Divine Feminine. Each page is an invitation to Meeting. I hope you are daring enough to let Her in and hear Her words.”
—Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author of The Divine Feminine in Hebrew Scripture and Biblical Wisdom Literature: Selections Annotated & Explained