Ten contributors, most in their mid-thirties, span the spectrum of religious traditions and offer their "visions," bold spiritual manifestos, for transforming our faith communities and our lives.
Edited by Niles Elliot Goldstein
Preface by Martin E. Marty
6 x 9 256 pp | 978-1-893361-09-6
Young spiritual leaders are beginning to remove the reasons why so many of us have kept religion at arm’s length.
“Spiritual sagacity does not belong only to seniors like Mother Teresa and Dorothy Day, Martin Buber and Abraham Joshua Heschel, the veteran Desmond Tutu and the aging Dalai Lama. Let’s hear from a generation that is marked by new experiences.”
—from the Preface by Martin E. Marty
By transforming our faith traditions in light of today’s increasing diversity, the search for community, the Internet and our changing lifestyles, these young, visionary spiritual leaders are helping to create the new spirituality.
Ten contributors, most in their mid-thirties, span the spectrum of religious traditions—Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Unitarian, Buddhist—and offer their "visions," bold spiritual manifestos, for transforming our faith communities and our lives.
Hear how one Catholic priest proclaims “all religion and spirituality ought to be zesty, passionate, rich and deep”; how one rabbi serves a “congregation” on the web for Microsoft and rides in squad cars on drug busts in New York City; how a self-described “Zen priest” is serving an Episcopal church in Alaska; and how a talented young woman lives her "wild and precious life" changing the world as a nun.
These stories, and others, will challenge your assumptions about what religion is—and isn’t.
“Articulate, funny, moving, frank, and full of life, these young leaders (most in their 30s) practice what they preach. Their ‘manifestos’ express the rich warmth of lives touched by daily interaction without their communities.”
—The Christian Science Monitor
“From the irreverent and playful to the dogmatically stern and clerically cocksure, our Gen-Xers lead us into the millennium.”
—Daniel Berrigan, S.J., West Side Jesuit Community
“Spiritual Manifestos helps us awaken to the fresh breath of new spirituality in our land and our hearts. It is a call to transformation, both personal and communal. Don’t miss it.”
—Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within and Awakening to the Sacred
“A book everyone interested in religion must devour and debate.”
—Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
“With passion and commitment, a new generation of religious leaders reveals an exciting vitality at the heart of their religious traditions."
—Mary Catherine Hilkert, department of theology, University of Notre Dame
“What a wonderful, optimistic book! These young spiritual leaders, deeply dissatisfied with the religious status quo, offer a vision, both positive and practical, of where our congregations and religious institutions should be going.”
—Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, president, Union of American Hebrew Congregations
“These ten articulate young spiritual leaders engender hope for the vitality of 21st century religion.”
—Rev. Forrest Church, minister of All Souls Church in New York City and author of Life Lines
“Goldstein has created a hopeful and incisive look into religious life in America today. All libraries interested in staying current with the way our communities are changing will find this a pertinent title. Those interested in religion or spirituality will find that, while bold, this is easy to digest.”
—Library Journal