While Noah gathers the animals for the ark, God asks Naamah to gather all the plants of the earth. Ideal for young girls and boys, this simple, beautiful book will help you and your child explore the spirituality of this ancient story.
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Full-color illustrations by Bethanne Andersen
Board Book
5 x 5, 24 pp | Full-color illus. | 978-1-893361-56-0
We know the story of Noah, but what about Naamah, Noah’s wife?
Ideal for young girls and boys, this simple, beautiful book will help you and your child explore the spirituality of this ancient story.
Much has been written about the importance of reading simple, beautiful books to babies and preschoolers to stimulate brain development. But perhaps even more important, what you read begins to shape your child’s world, and creates the images that will remain with him or her throughout life. We read books to our children about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and safety, but do we give their minds the early food they need to think about life’s bigger questions?
As spiritual development experts now tell us, each child develops an image of God by age 5, with or without religious instruction. Naamah, Noah’s Wife takes you and your child on an imaginative journey designed to help you open not only your child’s mind, but your child’s heart and soul as well.
Based on the award-winning picture book Noah's wife: The Story of Naamah.
“Conveys to young children that women play a role in the realm of spirituality.”
—Association of Jewish Libraries Newsletter
“A knockout, a tale that is sure to delight children.”
—St. Anthony Messenger