Todos los pueblos del mundo se puso a buscar el nombre de Dios ... y cada uno de los muchos buscadores es asegurarse de que él o ella sólo ha encontrado el nombre correcto, el único nombre, por Dios. Por último, se juntan y por fin aprender lo que el nombre de Dios es en realidad. En el texto poético y vibrantes ilustraciones, esta fábula moderna celebra la diversidad y, al mismo tiempo, la unidad de todas las personas.
Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
full-color illustrations by Phoebe Stone
9 x 12, 32 pp | Full-color illus. | 978-1-893361-63-8
Sandy Sasso’s award-winning classic for children of all faiths, all backgrounds—available for the first time in Spanish!
Everyone and everything in the world has a name. What is God’s name?
This modern fable about the search for God’s name celebrates the diversity and, at the same time, the unity of all people of the world. Each seeker claims he or she alone knows the answer. Finally, they come together and learn what God’s name really is, sharing the ultimate harmony of belief in one God by people of all faiths, all backgrounds.
Praise for Sandy Eisenberg Sasso’s Work
“What a lovely, healing book!”
—Madeleine L’Engle
“After the creation of the world ‘no one knew the name for God.’ So ‘each person searched,’ and some answers are charmingly set against primitive-style illustrations.”
—New York Times Book Review
“Provides a wonderful illustration of the many faxes through which God is known and understood.... Children of all ages will come away with a deeper grasp of God’s many faceted splendor.”
—The Rt. Rev. Edward W. Jones, DD, Bishop of Indianapolis