Offers more than 40 personal student reflections—sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always honest and wise—that will motivate and energize you to explore your own questions and commitments.
Harriet L. Schwartz with contributions by college students from nearly thirty campuses across the United States
6 x 9, 272 pp | 978-1-59473-000-9
Inspiration & Information for those who want more from college than just a degree.
Who do you want to be? Are you spiritual? Religious? Still figuring it out? Regardless of where you are, college is an intense time of choices, challenge, and growth.
Full of opportunities to learn from students from around the country and many different faith traditions, Spirituality 101 is the perfect companion for college students seeking spiritual fulfillment on campus. Including practical, hands-on advice and information from experienced faculty and student affairs professionals, this is your indispensable guide to the choices and possibilities available throughout your college experience, and beyond.
Spirituality 101 also offers more than 40 personal student reflections—sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always honest and wise—that will motivate and energize you to explore your own questions and commitments.
Your complete guide to navigating a spiritual life on campus:
- Finding Your Place: Who Do You Want to Be?
- Reading, Writing, and Religion: Spirituality in the Classroom and Beyond
- The Club Scene: Membership and Leadership in Campus Organizations
- Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’ Roll: Spirituality and Your Social Life
- Turning Points: Spiritual Awakening or Crisis of Faith?
- Assumptions, Intolerance, Hate, and a Hope for Something Better
- Hey, What Does That Mean? Talking with Others about Your Spirituality
- Significant Others: Family, Friends, and Mentors
- Taking It Off Campus
- A Cap, a Gown, and a Commitment to Faith
“The college years should be a time of self-discovery. This book is both practical and enlightening while addressing a much neglected topic—spirituality. College students, faculty, and staff would all benefit from reading it!”
—Marie Tobia Deem, assistant dean for academic and career advising, La Roche College
“Refreshingly non-didactic.... Intentionally pragmatic, offering step-by-step suggestions for handling practical concerns.”
—Publishers Weekly
“An intensely practical guide to an aspect of student life that seems intensely impractical. By focusing on the details of college life, the author helps students learn how to deepen their spiritual lives and enhance their well-being. Student voices speak to the reader, explaining how to have honest, respectful conversations about faith that add immeasurably to anyone’s college education. This is a powerful and compelling book.”
—Dr. Jane Fried, professor, Department of Counseling and Family Therapy, Central Connecticut State University
“For college students who want to explore their spirituality, this book will definitely make their transition from home to college a smoother one.”
—Mahmud Mustaqim Hussein, president, Muslim Student Organization, Bard College
“Harriet Schwartz has inspired the writers involved to stretch their ‘spiritual’ wings and create a wonderful resource for use in campus ministry. What a joy to have Spirituality 101 in my library.”
—Teddy Hardy, United Campus Ministry Greater Houston, serving at Rice University and Houston Community College Central